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Inside a garment factory in Vietnam

Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement for Financial Year ending 30th November 2022


‘Modern slavery’ is when an individual is exploited by others and it covers slavery, forced labour and human trafficking.


This statement is published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps taken to recognize our responsibility to take a proactive stance against modern slavery and uphold ethical standards throughout our operations.


AIL have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in any form.


Company Structure & Supply Chain

AIL are a wholesaler of various plastic bags intended for home and retail use. Office and warehouse operations are based in the UK. Our supply chain is built up predominantly of overseas manufacturers and some services are supplied through UK based providers.



AIL condemns all forms of modern slavery, including forced labour, child labour, human trafficking, and any other violation of human rights. We act ethically and with integrity to ensure transparency within our UK operations and throughout our supply chain.

AIL comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery and human trafficking.



Risk & Due Diligence

Within our business structure, there is minimal risk presented by UK operations. The area of the business most likely to present a risk is the overseas manufacturers within the supply chain. In addition to our policies, we have therefore taken the following actions to mitigate such risks.

  • We have long-standing business relationships with trusted suppliers that we have built up and maintained over time.

  • We undertake due diligence to assess and manage the risk of modern slavery as an ongoing process by evaluating suppliers' compliance with our standards and encouraging them to adopt similar principles. We periodically carry out visits to key overseas suppliers to maintain our satisfaction of our ethical supply chain.

  • We regularly assess any potential risks that could arise within our supply chain, so these can be removed or reduced to an acceptable level.


AIL encourages all employees to report any concerns related to modern slavery without fear of reprisal. We are committed to continually reviewing and improving our policies and procedures to combat modern slavery.



We comply with Right to Work checks when hiring new employees. We ensure that all employees have awareness of what Modern Slavery is as well as understanding the due diligence and policies we follow to minimize risk and uphold our zero-tolerance approach.



This Modern Slavery Statement is an integral part of AIL's commitment to corporate social responsibility and ethical business practices. We strive to create a work environment and supply chains that are free from exploitation, fostering a culture of respect and dignity for all individuals.


This statement has been approved by the Directors of Ardale International Limited (AIL).


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